Alan Youngblood joins me for an exciting Pivot Point podcast. He is an amazing photographer both above and below the waterline. Youngblood shares the defining moment in college when he realized his life’s journey would be telling stories visually.
After working for 35 years as a photojournalist and photo editor for the New York Times Regional Group, Halifax Media Group and Gatehouse, Alan is fulltime freelance. Every day is a new day, a new chance to capture the moment visually.
Alan, an Ocala, Florida resident, covers all kinds of genres, news, sports, magazines, underwater, illustrations, video and web pages. Here are several of Alan’s images, more can be found on his website:
Also in this podcast, you will hear the story of how the glass bottomed boats at Silver Springs came to be cleaned by a group of dedicated divers, including Alan - thank them next time you go for a boat tour!
Here is a link to my recent Wednesday Notes blog about floating along in a Silver Springs glass bottomed boat - and yes, we could see clearly through the glass.
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